Print Mobile


Print Mobile: Handling Copies

Last Updated
December 19, 2024
Estimated Duration
Ben Brumfield

Single Label, 1 Copy

Provide your ZPL content for the Raw Body field and set the Copies field to 1.

Single Label, Multiple Copies

Provide your ZPL content for the Raw Body field and set the Copies field to 2 (or your desired number of copies).

Multiple Labels, 1 Copy

Provide your ZPL content for the Raw Body field and set the Copies field to 1.

Multiple labels can be printed in one print by adding them to the final content sent in the Raw Body field. Below is an example flow text template in which two labels will be printed.

Multiple Labels, Multiple Copies (Same Quantity for Each)

Provide your ZPL content for the Raw Body field and set the Copies field to 2 (or your desired number of copies).

Multiple Labels, Multiple Copies (Different Quantity for Each)

Provide your ZPL content for the Raw Body field, set the Copies field to 1, and leverage the ^PQ marker in flow to set custom print quantities.

To allow precise control over label copies while enabling batch printing, you can customize the ZPL in your template to specify the number of copies per label. For example, the following demonstrates two labels: the first prints 2 copies, and the second prints 3 copies. While the copy counts are hardcoded in this example, they can be dynamically adjusted in your flow to accommodate any use case.

Handling Copies for PDFs:

Print Mobile only supports printing a PDF one at a time. Copies can be set using the Copies field in the flow to print a given quantity of a PDF. Printing more than one PDF per trigger or specifying different quantities per PDF in one trigger is currently not supported. Reach out to us if you have questions or concerns.

Happy Printing! 😁